Forbes Top 50 Social Media Leader 300,000+ followers, Chris Voss is the CEO/Editor of The Chris Voss Show, Consulting Firm. Author, Podcaster, Speaker, 35+ years as a serial entrepreneur

Chris Voss Podcast – Evil Roman Emperors: The Shocking History of Ancient Rome’s Most Wicked Rulers from Caligula to Nero and More by Phillip Barlag

  • September 13, 2022
  • Chris Voss
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  • Chris Voss

Evil Roman Emperors: The Shocking History of Ancient Rome’s Most Wicked Rulers from Caligula to Nero and More by Phillip Barlag

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. As catchy as that aphorism is, it’s sadly untrue, even if it has a nice ring to it. The one thing Nero is well-known for is the one thing he actually didn’t do. But fear not, the truth of his life, his rule and what he did with unrestrained power, is plenty weird, salacious and horrifying.

And he is not alone. Roman history, from the very foundation of the city, is replete with people and stories that shock our modern sensibilities. Evil Roman Emperors puts the worst of Rome’s rulers in one place and offers a review of their lives and a historical context for what made them into what they became. It concludes by ranking them, counting down to the worst ruler in Rome’s long history.

Lucius Tarquinius Suburbus called peace conferences with warring states, only to slaughter foreign leaders; Commodus sold offices of the empire to the highest bidder; Caligula demanded to be worshipped as a god, and marched troops all the way to the ocean simply to collect seashells as “proof” of their conquest; even the Roman Senate itself was made up of oppressors, exploiters, and murderers of all stripes. Author Phillip Barlag profiles a host of evil Roman rulers across the history of their empire, along with the faceless governing bodies that condoned and even carried out heinous acts.

Roman history, deviant or otherwise, is a subject of endless fascination. What’s never been done before is to look at the worst of the worst at the same time, comparing them side by side, and ranking them against one another. Until now.

Chris Voss

Top 1% Global Podcaster, Forbes Top 50 recognized, CEO/Host of The Chris Voss Show Podcast, Author, Consultant, Speaker, Youtuber, Coach, Many Awards, Media Audience over 24 millions views. 35+ Year Serial Entrepreneur.